As I was thinking about what I wanted to include in my plans, I realized that my friends and family would soon be trolling for gift ideas for me. That's always the hard part for me. I am a simple girl. I don't want a bunch of stuff and everything I want I already have plenty of (read: yarn, books and shoes). But there are some things I do want. So here is my Yarnie Birthday Wishlist.
- Karbonz Interchangeable Needles by Knitters Pride. Oh, boy have I been drooling over these for a while. They are a perfect median between nickel and wood needles. Not too smooth and not to slick. And they're very light! Like, like, like.
- A new yarn swift...or new spokes. I have a Chiagoo Amish style yarn swift. It works fine...except the spokes no longer stay in the the groves. I'm tired of screaming when I wind yarn and the spokes come flying off. So if I could get my hands on new spokes, that would be great because I actually like this style swift. If not, I would love another.
- Dragonfly Fibers Fiber, fingering weight yarn, Peach Melba colorway. This is the one thing that shouldn't be on this list. I'm still trying to maintain my yarn fast even though my husband has bought me yarn twice. But this little beauty has been tempting my heart but a lady in my knitter group just made something with it and I was sad I hadn't gotten when I could (LYS sold out). I thought I'd never have the pleasure of knitting with it but I just discovered the company does custom orders, so there is hope for me yet.