Friday, September 11, 2015

My Life In Stitches: Cold Office Knitting

I recently got a promotion from bookseller to the Community Business Development Manager at Barnes & Noble. I loved my old job and I equally love my new one. It allows me to still sell book, but on a different platform.

It also means that I got an office…a very cold office.

I am one of those people who stay cold no matter what season it is. I keep a heavy comforter on my bed all year round, much to the distain of my husband and wear long sleeve shirts all year round. My fingers and toenails are always blue and I dress in layers even when I’m inside. Needless to say, I spent the first day in my new office training shivering.

As I sat, watching training videos, I found it hard to focus. Not because they were boring or that I was cold. I kept daydreaming about all the sweaters I was going to knit to wear in my very cold office.

Some knitters find it hard to knit sweaters in the summer cause it’s so hot. But when you have your own personal winter all year round, it’s not so hard. I actually sat outside in the sun on my breaks from my very cold office and worked on a worsted weight poncho.

So here are my cold office projects I have lined up.

Vodka Lemonade. I loved this project when I first saw it and now seems to be the perfect time for it. I’m almost done it, but I think I’m going to have to reknit the first sleeve cause I don’t like they way it looks. I’ll probably keep this hanging on the back of my door in cause of a freezing emergency.

I Want That Wrap. This is my current mindless knitting project. It is also the first poncho I’ve ever knitting. I love the color and can’t wait to wear it in the fall. It’s also warm!

Pucker. My husband and I made these socks for a KAL for this last year. The goal was make a pair of matching socks. I didn’t like the pair I made but he loved them. Since he got my pair, I promptly bought the yarn to make another pair. I’m not a big sock girl. The cold office has changed that.

I hope to get this all done before it really gets cold. In the meantime, I have a heater.

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