Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tea & Read: By Reason of Insanity

Title: By Reason of Insanity
Author: Randy Singer
Rating: Spend the Day Sleepy

Ok, I'm slow. I kept seeing this book in my local Family Christian and something about it kept drawing me to it. I put it on my list of books to buy and one day while I was in the library, it was sitting on the shelf. So I checked it out.

So why do I say I'm slow? I read the whole book, which I loved before I realized that Randy Singer wrote another book I own and loved: The Cross Examination of Oliver Finney. My husband and I both loved that book and have reommended it to several people we know.

Anyways, By Reason of Insanity definitely gets a spend the day sleepy. Well written as usual, but the subject matter was very gritty. I'm in the process of broadening my subject matter reading, but still I wouldn't have dreamed that I would enjoy a book about jail so much.

Also, as in Cross Examination, the inspirational elements flow in the plot. And the plot delivers all the twists and turns you'd expect from a good legal thriller. Also, the theme of the book, justice, wasn't covered with kid gloves. It showed that justice isn't automatic, even though it should be. And it showed how things can go very bad in our legal system.

This was a great book. Maybe next time I'll remember that I love Randy Singer.

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