Monday, December 17, 2012

Getting Critiqued For All the Internet to See and Other Contest Risks

Entering contests are always a risk. You have a 50/50 chance of the judges loving your entry. Or hating it. I've entered my share of contests and quickly learned three things: a thick skin is essential, the ability to see truth in a judges negative remarks is paramount and that anything connected to art is subjective. I entered my book cover in a contest recently at The Book Designer and here were Joel Friedlander's remarks:

"Compare to the title immediately above. Both books have a 2-word title, and the first word is “Love.” Everything Love Bites has, this cover lacks. There’s no clear focus, message or unifying element, and the eye just wanders around. Even the type is confused. An educational comparison."

Interesting remarks, huh? Definitely something to think about. And don't worry, my thick skin is firmly in place. 

What do you think? Do you get the wandering eye looking at my cover? Would you pick this book up if you saw it in the store? For those who've read it, does the cover match the novel?

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